Visit of the Secretary of State for Wales to Llandyrnog
We have received a request from the office of the Secretary of State for Wales, David T C Davies MP to visit Llandyrnog to see for himself and discuss the Community Shop and Post Office project following our award of a £200,000 grant from the Community Ownership Fund.
He has planned a visit for next Thursday 12th January at 11am which will last about an hour. I hope we will have the use of the Cocoa rooms to meet up.
It would be wonderful if members of the community could come along and have the opportunity to relay what the benefits of having the return of the shop secured for the community means to them.
I am sure that the publicity and the profile will also be useful for our other grant funding applications.
Please drop me a message if you think you can come along in order that I can gauge numbers.
Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru i ymweld a’r Prosiect Siop
Ymweliad Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru i Llandyrnog
‘Rydym wedi derbyn cais gan swyddfa Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru, David T C Davies MP i ymweld a Llandyrnog i weld dros ei hun a thrafod Prosiect Siop a Swyddfa Bost Gymmunedol yn dilyn ein derbynniad o grant o £200,000 oddiwrth Cronfa Perchnogaeth Cymmunedol.
Mae wedi trefnu i ddod draw Dydd Iau nesaf, 12ed Ionawr am 11 yb. Gobeithir y bydd gyda ni am oddeutu awr. Gobeithir hefyd cael defnydd yr Ystafelloedd Cocoa yn ystod yr ymweliad.
Mi fyddai yn bleser pe gallai aelodau o’r gymuned ddod draw am sgwrs a chael y cyfle i fynegu eu teimladau sut fyddai manteision cael y Siop yn ol er budd y gymuned.
‘Rwyf yn siwr y byddai y cyhoeddusrwydd o’r ymweliad o gymorth mawr tuag at cefnogi ceisiadau am grantiau eraill a gobeithiaf y gall nifer fynychu.
Gyrrwch neges i mi os ydych yn meddwl y gallwch ddod draw er mwyn i mi gael syniad o niferoedd.