Llandyrnog Shop

Aug 6, 2023 | News

Shop project update

We are still waiting a decision from the Welsh Government on our important Community Facilities Programme application. We were initially advised that a decision would be made by the end of June following the panel meeting in early June however this has been delayed and we still have no firm date although we are being told it will be ‘soon’

We are in regular contact with officials in the Welsh Government and will give a further update as soon as we have any news.

We are meeting with Gareth Davies MS on Tuesday to share details of the current position with the project and hope he can also liaise with the Welsh Government on our behalf.

We have made a decision to delay issuing Share Certificates to those investors that purchased our Community Shares until we have a decision on the grant and hope that will not be too long.

We continue to work on elements of the project and are grateful to Rob and Roz in the Post Office for their continued support and patience whilst we secure the necessary funding.

Y diweddaraf ar brosiect y Siop

‘Rydym yn dal i aros am benderfyniad gan Llywodraeth Cymru ar ein cais grant pwysig gan Rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol. Yn wreiddiol roedd y penderfyniad i fod ar gael erbyn diwedd mis Mehefin ar ol i’r panel gyfarfod dechrau y mis ond mae hyn wedi ei ddileu ac ar hyn o bryd nid oes gennym ddydiad penodedig er ein bod yn disgwyl hyn yn y dyfodol agos.

‘Rydym mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd gyda swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru ac mi wnewn roddi diweddariad pellach pan fydd yna unrhyw newyddion.

Byddwn yn cyfarfod gyda Gareth Davies AS dydd Mawrth i rannu y manylion diweddaraf am y prosiect a gobeithio am ei gymorth i’n cynorthwyo gyda y Llywodraeth.

‘Rydym wedi gwneud penderfyniad i ddileu anfon Tystysgrifau Cyfranddaliadau i fuddsoddwyr yn ein Cyfranddaliadau Cymunedol nes y byddwn wedi derbyn penderfyniad ar ein grant, gan obeithio na fydd yn hir iawn eto.

‘Rydym yn dal i weithio ar elfennau or prosiect ac yn ddiolchgar i Rob a Roz yn y Swyddfa Bost am eu cefnogaeth a dyfalbarhad tra ein bod yn aros i sicrhau y cyllid angenrheidiol

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