Last Thursday we were pleased to welcome Llyr Gruffydd MS, and Regional MS for North Wales to discuss our project and to enlist his support.
We were expecting to have a decision on our Community Facilities Programme funding 2 months ago but due to the current Budget deficit in Welsh Government spending, everything has been put on hold.
He was very impressed by the different aspects of the project and that it created a great opportunity for Llandyrnog and the community and was disappointed by the delay we were experiencing.
We explained that the delay could have an impact on our other grant funding and that everyone was working hard to press for the earliest possible decision.
Mr Gruffydd kindly sent an immediate letter to the Welsh Government asking for an early response to enable us to move the project forward, and are grateful to him for his support.
Ymweliad Llyr Gruffydd AS
Dydd Iau diwethaf roedd yn bleser gennym groesawu Llyr Gruffydd AS, ac AS Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru, draw i Llandyrnog i drafod ein prosiect ac i ofyn am ei gefnogaeth.
‘Rydym wedi bod yn aros dros dau fis am benderfyniad i’n grant gan y Rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol ond oherwydd y diffyg yn y gyllideb yn Llywodraeth Cymru mae eu holl wario wedi ei atal ar hyn o bryd.
‘Roedd yn deall y byddai y prosiect yn creu cyfle gwych i Landyrnog a’r gymuned ac yn siomedig iawn am yr oedi gan y Llywodraeth.
Mi anfonodd Mr Gruffydd lythur ar unwaith i weinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru yn gofyn am atebiad sydun i alluogi y prosiect i symud ymlaen. ‘Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn iddo am ei gefnogaeth.