Following an invitation from the Levelling-Up Minister Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP with Dr James Davies MP, it was a pleasure to attend a reception at 10 Downing Street to represent our project.
The reception recognised successful projects that had been awarded grants from the Department of Levelling-Up. These are the funds, together with an additional grant from the Welsh Government, that are enabling us to purchase and renovate the Shop and Post Office. It was an opportunity to meet and speak to a range of other projects and firmly place our own project and Llandyrnog on the map
The purchase completion date is getting closer and is expected in the next few weeks. Matters are also well advanced in engaging architect and project management of the renovation. Thank you, as ever, for your support and patience whilst we work towards completing these works.
Once we have the building in our possession there will be many more opportunities for local residents to assist with the project. Would be good to hear from anyone who would particularly like volunteer to help during the renovation and fitting out phase (if we have your name already, please rest assured we will be in touch!).
Newyddion diweddaraf y prosiect
Yn dilyn gwahoddiad gan y Gweinidog Lefelu i fynnu, Gwir Anrhydeddus Michael Gove AS gyda Dr James Davies AS, roedd yn bleser mynychu derbyniad yn 10 Downing Street i gynrychioli ein prosiect.
Roedd y dderbynfa yn cydnabod prosiectau llwyddiannus a oedd wedi derbyn grantiau gan yr Adran Lefelu i fynnu. Dyma’r cronfeydd, ynghyd â grant ychwanegol gan Lywodraeth Cymru, sy’n ein galluogi i brynu ac adnewyddu’r Siop a Swyddfa’r Post.
Roedd yn gyfle i gyfarfod a siarad ag amrywiaeth o brosiectau eraill a gosod ein prosiect ein hunain a Llandyrnog yn gadarn ar y map.
Mae’r dyddiad cwblhau prynu yn dod yn agosach ac mae disgwyl iddo yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf. Mae materion hefyd yn datblygu’n dda o ran ymgysylltu â phensaer a rheoli prosiectau’r gwaith adnewyddu. Diolch i chi, fel erioed, am eich cefnogaeth a’ch amynedd wrth i ni weithio tuag at gwblhau’r gwaith hwn.
Unwaith y bydd gennym yr adeilad yn ein meddiant bydd llawer mwy o gyfleoedd i drigolion lleol gynorthwyo gyda’r prosiect. Byddai’n dda clywed gan unrhyw un a hoffai wirfoddolwr yn arbennig helpu yn ystod y cyfnod adnewyddu a gwelliannau (os oes gennym eich enw eisoes, byddwch yn sicr y byddwn mewn cysylltiad!).